

We are happy and thankful to have had a chance of being the host of a very moving event.

Two years of preparation and many hundrets of hours of voluntary work of the members of ProTiDe e.V. as well as of many other helpers made it possible: In 5 days from 21 to 25 April 2016 a total of 364 people from 29 countries participated in the Processwork Days in Berlin, focusing on the topic of "Diversity and Relationship".

Many thousand thanks!


In detail we counted the following participant numbers of the 4 different workshops:

Seminar "Sacred Space" with Amy and Arny Mindell:                 351 p

Lab 1: "Daring Relationship" with Marianne and Ivan Verny a.o.: 103 p

Lab 2: "Slowflow" with Tanja Hetzer and Achim Goeres a.o.:      132 p

Lab 3: "Case Supervision" with Lane Arye:                               108 p

Thank you for responding to our questionnaire. Here you find the inspiring and helpful results. 

Since the questions in the pdf of the results are only in German, we again make the questions available in English in another pdf document.

Results of the questionnaire

Questions in English


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