Three years of preparation and the work of many volunteers made it possible: Around 350 people from 21 countries attended seminar and conference in the Jerusalem church. We are impressed by the great interest, pleased to meet many acquaintances and new faces and still get many feedback from you!
The recordings of the lectures are available in our shop - the proceeds go directly into ProTiDe e.V.'s work. The pictures we recorded during the event we will make available here as soon as all legal and technical issues have been resolved.
We analyzed and compiled the feedback sheets. Please feel free to read here the results:
The seminar
In the seminar Arnold and Amy Mindell have been working for two days with us and the idea of ??the process mind. Inspired by the traditions of Lao Tse and traditional Japanese painting, they invited us to a practice with the "Tao that can not be said," what surrounds us and connects us with the greater whole. The weather was great and some of the exercises could take place entirely outside. In fact we made it possible to everyone to participate but in the end had to deal with not too much space. The seminar culminated with the last exercise in the Ying-Yang yodel dance; touching it was to finally witness how a group of Polish participants showed themselves in the middle and thus made clear that Poland is full of life and power and wants to be seen in the world.
At the conference the term empathy has been discussed in short lectures representing perspectives from different disciplines. Its key role in the integral medicine, particularly in the doctor-patient relationship, and prevention of chronic disease, was described by Prof. Dr. Stefan Willich. Dr. Achim Goeres illustrated the interrelations betwenn directions of relationship and the three levels of life experience of world, relationship and transzendence, which one can experience connected with empathy - be it to others or towards ourselves. Dr. Arny and Dr. Amy Mindell spoke particularly about the intent of empathy working with clients in comatose states, focussed on subtle signals which can be unfolded.
How during the Third Reich it was worked on eliminating empathy and what consequences this has for the generations of today, was described by Dr. Tanja Hetzer. One could literally feel the wheight of the topic, no easy starting point for the next speaker. But Prof. Dr. Tania Singer managed it to lead over to her expertise, showing new neurological findings which allow to distinguish between different types of empathy: empathy which one sympathizes, while even feeling real pain, and another one which allows empathize without running the risk of getting exhausted and burn out. In the end in the panel discussion the speakers had the chance to compact their ideas and concepts with each other, the audience positioned their questions and Prof. Dr. Simone Mahrenholz merged the highlights of the day.
Both in the middle and towards the end of the conference, Dr. Alan Bern and Tcha Limberger offered musical input and self-awareness - it is not easy to describe, but let's just say like that: Nearly all participants took part in the artistic and musical experiments in which all could feel and reflect the simultanous existence of an empathic connection to oneself, the other people around and some big unity beyond.
[Updated on 12/16/2013]